Saturday 25 July 2020

Kapad-Dwar Document of the City Palace Museum Jaipur - Map of Janmasthan and relation with Jaipur Rajgharana

A large number of pattas, parwanas and chaknamas, letters and other documents, maps and plans preserved in the Kapad-Dwar collection of SMS-II City Palace Museum (in Jaipur) . Catalogue of Historical Documents in Kapad Dwara, Jaipur: No.2, Maps and Plans, lists at Serial No. 179 a map of Ayodhya, painted on white cotton fabric, early 18th century, size 213/178 cm., depicting important religious places, among which we find the 'Janmastnan' of Sri Rama.

Map portrays an open courtyard and a structure resembling the Babri Masjid with three domes. The courtyard is labelled janmasthan and shows a Ram chabutra. The central bay of the built structure is labelled chhathi, which also denotes birthplace.Sketch map also shows hindus perfoming pradakshinas around Rama Chabutra inside the site.

A reference to a Chaknama of 2nd Rajab 1129 A.H./Ist June 1717 A.D.recording that 983 acres of land was granted by Aurangzeb in Oudh to Sawai Raja Jaisingh Kachhwaha (1699-1743), ruler of Amer, founder of Jaipur in 1727 and a number of small townships called Jaisinghpuras at Kabul, Peshawar, Multan, Lahore, Delhi, Agra, Mathura, Varanasi, Ayodhya, and other places, for a garden and pura,  (Source :G.C.Verma, 'Jaisinghpura', Proceedings of the Rajasthan History Congress, XI, 1978, pp.74-83.) All these documents are preserved in the Kapad-Dwara collections of the City Palace Museum, Jaipur.

BJP’s Rajsamand MP and member of erstwhile Jaipur royal family Diya Kumari has claimed that the descendants of Lord Ram are all over the world, including “our family who descended from his son Kush”. According to a number of pictures and maps provided by her to media, King Dashrath appears on the 62nd number in the family tree, while Lord Ram and Kush appear on the 63rd and 64th number respectively. Sawai Jai Singh, Madho Singh and other rulers of Jaipur royal family appear on the ancient documents provided by them.

The rulers of Jaipur belonged to the Kachhwaha clan of Rajputs, which historians said descended from Kush, Lord Ram’s son.According to genealogical documents at the City Palace Museum in Jaipur, the current king of Jaipur, Padmanabh Singh, is the 309th generation of Kush.

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